Bolts Connection Design Spreadsheet
A bolt is a metal pin with a head formed at one end and shank threaded at the other in order toreceive a nut. On the basis of load transfer in the connection bolts are classified as:(a) Bearing Type(b) Friction Grip TypeThere are two types of bearing type bolts, namely,(i) Unfinished or Black Bolts.(ii) Finished or Turned Bolts.The shanks of black bolts are unfinished, i.e., rough as obtained at the time of rolling, whileturned bolts are obtained by turning hexagonal shank to circular shape. The bolt hole diameter isonly 1.5 mm larger than that of the shank in case of turned bolt. These bolts are used in special jobslike connecting machine parts subject to dynamic loadings. For black bolts, diameter of bolt hole islarger and are used in most of the work
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