Crack Width Calculation Spreadsheet

 Crack Width Calculation Spreadsheet 

This excel sheet calculates crack width. Crack width calculation is one of the serviceability requirements in the structural concrete elements. The occurrence of cracks in reinforced concrete elements is expected under service loads, due to the low tensile strength of concrete. Control of cracking is important for obtaining an acceptable appearance and for the long-term durability of concrete structures, especially those subjected to aggressive environments.
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What Every Engineer Should Know About Excel

What Every Engineer Should Know About Excel 

Jack P. Holman

Preference :

This collection of materials involving operations in Microsoft Excel is intended primarily for engineers,
although many of the displays and topics will be of interest to other readers as well. The procedures have been generated randomly as individual segments, which were distributed to classes as the need arose. They do not take the place of the many excellent books on the subjects of numerical methods, statistics, engineering analysis, or the information that is available through the Help features of the software packages. Some of the suggestions offered will be obvious to an experienced software user but will be less apparent or even eye-opening to others. It is this latter group for whom the collection was assembled. Some of the materials were written for use in classes in engineering laboratories and heat-transfer subjects, so several of the examples are slanted in the direction of these applications. Even so, topics such as solutions to simultaneous linear and nonlinear equations and uses of graphing techniques are pervasive and easily extended to other applications.

Content :
  • Introduction
  • Miscellaneous Operations in Excel and Word
  • Charts and Graphs
  • Line Drawings, Embedded Objects, Equations, and Symbols in Excel
  • Solution of Equations
  • Other Operations
  • Financial Functions and Calculations
  • Optimization Problems
  • Data Management Resources in Excel
  • Office 365 and Integration with Cloud Resources

Download What Every Engineer Should Know About Excel free PDF


Seismic Design for Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frames

Seismic Design for Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frames

Concentrically Braced Frames (CBFs) are a class of structures resisting lateral loads through a vertical concentric truss system, the axes of the members aligning concentrically at the joints. CBFs tend to be efficient in resisting lateral forces because they can provide high strength and stiffness. These characteristics can also result in less favorable seismic responses, such as low drift capacity and higher accelerations. CBFs are common structural steel or composite system in .areas of any seismicity

Download Free Seismic Design for Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frames  


Design of Cantilever and Girder Excel Sheet

 Design of Cantilever and Girder Excel Sheet  

Design of Cantilever and Girder Excel Sheet allows you to calculate the loads and straining actions due to different types of load then finally calculate the RFT  for the cantilever and  girder 
Download Free Design of Cantilever and Girder Excel Sheet 

Eccentric Shear Connection Analysis Of Bolt Group Spreadsheet

Eccentric Shear Connection Analysis Of Bolt Group Spreadsheet

BoltGroup computes the shear capacity of an eccentrically loaded bolted connection using the LRFD instantaneous center of rotation method. Great tool for design of gusset plates and plate girder bolted splices. The analysis results have been verified with AISC tables. The spreadsheet provides a design summary, detailed results, and fundamental theory and formulas. 

Shear Connection Analysis Of Bolt Group

The bolt cross-sectional area is critical to the prior calculation.  The area of bolt available for use by a shear plane will depend on whether or not the shear plane is in a region of the bolt that is threaded.  If the shear plane is in a region that is threaded then there is less area available to resist the applied shear force.  The AISC specification requires you to determine whether or not threads are included in the shear plane or not when computing the capacity of a bearing type connection.  This is not an issue in slip-critical connections since the force is transferred by friction between the connected members and not by actual shear in the bolt.  We will look at this some more when we start computing actual bolt capacities.

Download Eccentric Shear Connection Analysis Of Bolt Group Free Spreadsheet