Design of Post-Tensioned Concrete Floor Excel Sheet

 Design of Post-Tensioned Concrete Floor 

Design of Post-Tensioned Concrete Floor methods
1- Breakdown two ways of floor into design strips in one direction and one-way slabs in othedirection. Design strips work as continuous beams by banded all tendons at the column. 
The perpendicular direction like multi-span one-way slabs, using distributed tendons.
2- Specify total required effective post-tensioning forces at banded tendons, on structural drawings,
and uniform forces in distributed 
3- when tendon less than 140 ft, stress at one end. Otherwise stress at both ends.
4- the various live loading conditions should be considered by input ll zero at some spans.
Download Design of Post-Tensioned Concrete Floor Excel Sheet

Design of Wing Wall Spreadsheet

 Design of Wing Wall Spreadsheet 

The proposed cast-in-situ reinforced concrete structure is a wing wall of the proposed Arch Culvert along road RD-21 ( Typical design for all wing walls). Dingwall shall be designed as a cantilever wall to safely withstand earth embankment on one side of the wall and comply with minimum factors of safety and 100 kPa recommended net allowable bearing capacity as per  RC manual.
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Ordinary Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Design Excel Sheet

 Ordinary Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Design Excel Sheet 

Shear walls in buildings must be symmetrically located in a plan to reduce ill-effects of twist in buildings They could be placed symmetrically along with one or both directions in the plan. -Shear walls are more effective when located along the exterior perimeter of the building – such a layout increases the resistance of the building to twisting.
Download Free Ordinary Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall Design Excel Sheet

Cantilever Column & Footing Design Spreadsheet

 Cantilever Column & Footing Design Spreadsheet 

 The cantilever is basically a structural element that extends horizontally and has supported at only one end. The cantilever is the structures that are fixed at one end and free at another end.
Download Cantilever Column & Footing Design Free Spreadsheet

Wind Pressure on High Rise Building Calculation Excel Sheet

 Wind Pressure on High Rise Building Calculation Excel Sheet 

This excel sheet calculate wind Pressure on high rise building. The wind load calculation is evaluated based on elementary wind speed and other aspects as kind of topography, terrain, and the usage of the building and its risk aspect for that specific region
Download Wind Pressure on High Rise Building Calculation Free Excel Sheet

Full Steel Building Design Calculation Free Spreadsheet

 Full Steel Building Design Calculation Free Spreadsheet 

Steel Building Design Calculation Spreadsheet contains: 
Download Full Steel Building Design Calculation Free Spreadsheet

Design Of Intze Water Tank Free Excel Sheet


A water tank is used to store water to tide over the daily requirement. In the construction of concrete structures for the storage of water and other liquids, the imperviousness of concrete is most essential.  Design of liquid retaining structure has to be based on the avoidance of cracking in the concrete having regard to its tensile strength.  Cracks can be prevented by avoiding the use of thick timber shuttering which prevents the easy escape of heat of hydration from the concrete mass the risk of cracking can also be minimized by reducing the restraints on free expansion or contraction of the structure.
Design  Of Intze Water Tank Free Excel Sheet Download

Design of Plate Girder with I Shape according to ASCE

 Design of Plate Girder with I Shape according to ASCE 

Plate girder design according to LRFD is very similar to the ASD method presented in the 8th Edition Manual of Steel Construction.8 The basic approach is unchanged, with the major changes being the addition of an additional bearing strength formula to check and some new AASHTO criteria for stiffener design.

Design of Circular Water Tank Excel Sheet

 Design of Circular Water Tank Excel Sheet 

The underground water tanks can be divided into rectangular or circular in shape. Properties Rectangular Underground Water Tank Circular Underground Water Tank When to construct? When the capacity of liquid to be stored is small Capacity of liquid to be comparatively large Maximum Principal Stress The rectangular and circular water tanks of the same capacities may have stress results less than circular tanks. e.g. for a capacity for both types, the maximum stress calculated for rectangular water tank was 5.32N/mm2 Greater than rectangular tanks e.g. For circular water tank, 7.1N/mm Resistance to pressure Less In case of resistance to all pressure exerted in the tank circular is better. Area of steel Area of reinforcement of circular tank is greater Less
Design of Circular Water Tank Excel Sheet Free Download

Free Excel Sheet to Design Rectangular Drains

 Free Excel Sheet to Design Rectangular Drains 

This document contains design calculations for Surface stormwater drains ( Plant)
Total plant drains are divided into two types of drains based on the suitability /
requirements as given below. 
i) Rectangular concrete open drains  - Within the unit areas / Building areas
ii) Trapezoidal concrete open drains   - outside the building areas

The analysis is carried out based on the basic input parameters furnished in the Civil Structural
Design Basis  Document. However, furnished below for easy reference
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