Design of staircase with central stringer beam

 Design of staircase with central stringer beam

 Reinforced concrete stairs are perhaps the most suitable of all the said materials for the construction of stairs. The various advantages of reinforced concrete stairs are given below. They have requisite fire-resisting qualities to a great extent. They are durable strong pleasing in appearance and can be They are durable, strong, pleasing in appearance, and can be easily rendered non-slippery. They can be designed for greater widths, longer spans, and any height height.– They can be molded in any desired form to suit the requirements of the architect.

Design of Pile Cap Excel Sheet

 Design of Pile Cap Excel Sheet

It usually forms part of the foundation of a building, typically a multi-story building, structure or support base for heavy equipment. The cast concrete pile cap distributes the load of the building into the piles. A similar structure to a pile cap is a “raft”, which is a concrete foundation floor resting directly onto soft soil which may be liable to subsidence.
Download Design of Pile Cap Excel Sheet

Excel Template for Daily Work Report

 Excel Template for Daily Work Report

This is an exclusive excel template that is based on the daily work report of the employees. Any person who is self-employed or performing as an employee in a company is required to maintain day-to-day work reports as well as generate them on daily basis to organize records concerning all the works executed by you throughout working hours.

To prove your worth and ensure that you are a responsible employee to your employer, it is necessary to send a report about your work on a day-to-day basis as you are completing the works entrusted to you as well as sending reporting on it devoid of any delay on a regular basis.

Daily work report means a document of details of work accomplished by you in a day. Either your supervisor, manager, or employer inquire you to provide information on what you carry out every day or not, creating a daily work report is a perfect way to keep tracing the work done by you.

Detailed Estimate for The Proposed New Construction of Residential Building

 Detailed Estimate for The Proposed New Construction of Residential Building

Detailed estimating, sometimes referred to as “Prime Cost”, “Bottoms Up” or “Grass Roots” estimating requires a thorough and detailed analysis of all the tasks required to deliver a project or product. A “good” estimate maximizes the return on this investment by obtaining the highest value at the lowest cost. The estimate can be developed using a combination of estimating methods. An estimate is a calculation of the quantities of various items of work, and the expenses likely to be incurred thereon. The total of these probable expenses to be incurred on the work is known as the estimated cost of the work.

Estimate of Requirement of Material Excel Sheet

 Estimate of Requirement of Material Excel Sheet

Material requirements planning (MRP) is a production planning, scheduling, and inventory control system used to manage manufacturing processes. Most MRP systems are software-based, while it is possible to conduct MRP by hand as well. Material requirements planning (MRP) is a production planning and inventory control system. … Lastly, an MRP system helps plan manufacturing functions, delivery schedules, and purchasing. … Data integrity, however, is a major issue for successful material requirements planning.
Download Estimate of Requirement of Material Free Excel Sheet

Project Portfolio Dashboard Excel Template

 Project Portfolio Dashboard Excel Template

This dashboard display follows box layout with simple colors, easy charts, picture links & lots of conditional formatting goodness.
Fetching a relevant project plan from all plans:
This was one of the trickiest things. Since each plan has its own table, getting selected project’s table is necessary to drive all calculations. This is how it's done.
Define lstPlans as a list of all tables =plan1,plan2…,plan10
Use INDEX to fetch one of the tables from this array like this =INDEX(lstPlans, activity-row-number, column-number, plan-number)

Excel Sheet to Calculate Quantities for One and Two Way Slab

 Excel Sheet to Calculate Quantities for One and Two Way Slab 

One way slab is supported by beams in only 2 sides. 2) The ratio of longer span panel (L) to shorter span panel (B) is equal. or greater than 2. Thus, L/B >= 2. 3) Main reinforcement is provided in only one direction for one way slab

Two way slabs are the slabs that are supported on four sides and the ratio of longer span (l) to shorter span (b) is less than 2. In two way slabs, load will be carried in both the directions. So, main reinforcement is provided in both direction for two way slabs.

Download Free Excel Sheet to Calculate Quantities for One and Two Way Slab 

Project Risk Assessment Report

 Project Risk Assessment Report

Risk assessment includes both the identification of potential risk and the evaluation of the potential impact of the risk. A risk mitigation plan is designed to eliminate or minimize the impact of the risk events—occurrences that have a negative impact on the project.
Download Free Project Risk Assessment Report

Analysis Laterally Loaded Elastic Piles on Elasto-plastic Foundation

 Analysis Laterally Loaded Elastic Piles on Elasto-plastic Foundation  

of laterally loaded piles is studied treating the soil medium as an elasto-plastic medium. In the elastic range, the foundation reaction is incorporated in the analysis using the Winkler’s hypothesis, while in the plastic range yield pressure of the soil is considered. Solutions are obtained treating the pile as a beam on elastoplastic foundation. Different cases of boundary conditions of the pile are considered. The response of the pile is obtained in terms of dimensionless parameters and are presented in the form of figures. Results show a good agreement with the observed behavior.
Analysis Laterally Loaded Elastic Piles on Elasto-plastic Foundation

Download Over 25 Cost Estimation Checklists for Free

 Download Over 25 Cost Estimation Checklists for Free

This Preliminary & Detailed Cost Estimate Checklist is intended to assist Estimators, Project Managers, Construction Managers, Architects & Engineers, and all Construction Professionals to develop both Preliminary & Detailed Cost Estimates and consider all related construction activities. Its main purpose is to ensure that no scope items are missed from the final estimate. This handy checklist is appropriate for any kind of domestic or overseas construction project. The checklist will ensure you have all the bases covered when compiling an estimate. The checklist makes sure the consistency of the final estimating product/deliverables is achieved.
Download Over 25 Cost Estimation Checklists for Free

Free Excel Sheet for Weekly Status Report

 Free Excel s Sheet for Weekly Status Report

Reporting project status on a weekly basis is a known practice for project managers. The weekly project status report excel template has a project health card, project schedule, project financials and shows Top 5 items pending. Weekly Status Report Format allows a project manager to report all the project updates in detail.
Download Free Excel Sheet for Weekly Status Report

Detailed Estimate Sample Excel Sheet

 Detailed Estimate Excel Sheet

Detailed cost estimates are prepared carefully. These calculate in detail the cost of various items work that constitutes the whole project. Detailed estimates are done when the detailed working drawings are prepared along with specifications. If there is any mistake in rough cost estimate, then it will eliminate in detailed cost estimates. These are then submitted to the competent authority for obtaining technical sanction. The whole project is divided into different items of work or activities. The quantity of each item will be calculated from drawing as accurately as possible. This procedure is known as taking out quantities or quantities take off.
Download Detailed Estimate Free Sample Excel Sheet

Over 20 Concrete Design Free Excel Sheets

 Over 20 Concrete Design Free Excel Sheets

Concrete design excels sheets are mainly very useful for civil engineers and for those who are structural designers. Here we are sharing some important excel sheets of various segments for designing purposes.
These excel sheets including: 
  • Concrete Design 
  • Concrete Floor 
  • Anchorage to Concrete
  •  Concrete Pool 
  • Concrete Beam 
  • Equipment Mounting 
  • Suspended Anchorage 
  • Coupling Beam
Download Over 20 Concrete Design Free Excel Sheets

Excel Sheet to Design Columns

 Excel Sheet to Design Columns

A column is a very important component in a structure. It is like the legs on which a structure stands. It is designed to resist axial and lateral forces and transfer them safely to the footings in the ground. Columns support floors in a structure. Slabs and beams transfer the stresses to the columns. So, it is important to design strong columns.basis of classification of columns and different types of reinforcement required for a certain type of column.
Download Excel Sheet to Design Columns Free

Concrete,Steel and Brick Calculator

Concrete, Steel and Brick Calculator

Brick, mortar calculator · Concrete calculator mix-on-site · Concrete calculator … This Calculator will estimate quantities of brick and mortar required for a given quantity of cement mortar is required for rate analysis of brickwork and plaster or estimation of masonry work for a building or structure. calculate the volume of materials used in cement mortar based on its proportions.


Bar Bending Schedule OF Box Culvert

Bar Bending Schedule OF Box Culvert

Bar bending schedule (or schedule of bars) is a list of reinforcement bars, vis-à-vis, a given RCC work item, and is presented in a tabular form for easy visual reference. The bar bending schedule provides details of reinforcement cutting and bending length. Advantages of bar bending schedule, when used along with reinforcement detailed drawing, improves the quality of construction, cost, and time-saving for concrete construction work.

Download Bar Bending Schedule OF Box Culvert


Resource Planning Template for Excel

Resource Planning Template for Excel

Resource Planning Template can be used throughout the project life. From Origination to Execution. you can put generic resources in the spreadsheet. Developer, Tester, Project Manager. 
The rate for US resources is $65.00. Also, you can put any other hardware costs and be consulting costs as best as you know them.
2-In the Origination Phase the PM can use it to get an order of magnitude need for resources. 
3-In the Initiation phase you can use the template to work with putting assigned resources to the phases of the plan and percentage of utilization. 
4-In the other phases of the project you can use it to do "WHAT IF" scenarios when looking at new or changed resources prior to changing the Microsoft Project.

Download Resource Planning Template for Excel


Project Planning Guide - Learn all the planning Phases

Project Planning Guide

This Project Planning Guide has been developed to assist all of those who
develop GSA’s Capital Program in evaluating, developing, and implementing federal
facilities projects.

This Guide is divided into five main chapters and several appendices. 
• Overview of GSA’s Capital Program outlines GSA’s basic Capital Program development planning process and the fundamental roles of the Feasibility Study and the Program Development Study. The section includes summary sheets of each study and an overall project activity timeline. 
• What’s Important and When discusses GSA’s primary business and program goals as presented in the Feasibility Study and PDS. 
• Pre-Planning Phase describes the role that GSA’s daily management of facility requirements, customer needs, and portfolio planning play in the project development process. GSA professionals know that projects seldom have a cold start. They germinate slowly over time as requirements accumulate. Managing this process is important to project scoping and planning. 
• Feasibility Study Phase outlines the process for beginning, conducting, and completing a Feasibility Study, a process that ends with the submission of the Prospectus package for the site and design funding. This section describes the process, deliverables, and keys to success to develop a sound project and site/design funding request. It explains that the Feasibility Study is the core of this process, but not the only ingredient needed for success.

Download Project Planning Guide Free PDF


Design of Reinforced Concrete Isolated Pad Foundation

Design of Reinforced Concrete Isolated Pad Foundation

The design of Concrete Isolated Pad Foundation as per IS 456:2000 (Plain and reinforced concrete – code of practice) – Limit state method of design2 The design approach is on the conservative side and for an economical design the user should follow either manual calculation or any other relevant software/tool3 For bearing capacity of soil the user refer documents related to soil investigation of the site.4 Warning message is displayed if the footing pressure exceeds soil bearing capacity or if it is less than zero5 For Pipe rack foundations, it should ensure that the minimum contact area of footing with soil should be 75%6 This design sheet carries out Flexure design, One-way shear check, and Two-way shear check

Design of Reinforced Concrete Isolated Pad Foundation


Project Management Excel Template

Project Management Excel Template

Sifting through multiple documents to find the tasks worth reporting to leadership can be time-consuming and frustrating. With a project management dashboard, you can quickly communicate the status of your project and share the big picture view. Use the project management dashboard if you want to share the high-level status of your project with stakeholders.

Download Project Management Free Excel Template


Road Estimate Excel Sheet

Road Estimate Excel Sheet

Road Estimate construction costs may vary considerably depending mainly on the terrain and soil conditions, road standards, machine and labour costs, etc., as well as on the skill of operators and labourers involved. However, since road construction techniques are similar throughout the world, one can easily derive reasonable cost estimates once the main conditioning factors have been identified, by applying figures from similar road construction projects. For the purpose of facilitating your task in estimating forest road costs and for reasons of comparing costs, it is advisable to break down labour and machine costs into their different elements.

Download Road Estimate Free Excel Sheet


Power Electronics Devices, Circuits and Industrial Applications

Power Electronics Devices, Circuits and Industrial Applications


Preference :

Power electronics is a branch of engineering that combines the fields of electrical power, electronics, and control. It started with the introduction of the mercury arc rectifier in 1900. The grid controlled vacuum tube rectifier, ignition, and thyratron followed later. These found extensive applications in industrial power control till 1950. In the meanwhile, the invention of the transistor—semiconductor device— in 1948 marked a revolution in the field of electronics. It also paved the way for the introduction of the silicon controlled rectifier (SCR), which was announced in 1957 by the General Electric Company. In due course, it has come to be named as the ‘thyristor’. There is one important difference between the earlier electronic tubes and their semiconductor successors. On the low-current side, the transistor is a base current controlled device whereas its predecessor, the vacuum tube, is a grid voltage controlled device. Similarly, the thyristor, which is designed to carry high currents, is a gate current-controlled device; it has succeeded the thyratron, which is a grid voltage-controlled gas tube.

Power Electronics Devices, Circuits and Industrial Applications

Content :
  • Thyristor Physics
  • Controlled Rectifiers
  • DC Choppers
  • AC Line Voltage Control
  • Inverters
  • Cycloconverters
  • DC Drives
  • AC Drives
  • Brushless DC Motors
  • Control Circuits for Electronic Equipment
  • Industrial Applications
  • Microprocessor Fundamentals
  • Microcomputer Control of Industrial Equipment
  • Field Oriented Control of AC Motors

Download Power Electronics Devices, Circuits and Industrial Applications free PDF


Design of Retaining walls against overturning and sliding forces

Design of Retaining walls against overturning and sliding forces

The purpose of this Excel sheet is to design the Retaining wall and check the adequacy of this retaining wall. against overturning and sliding forces retaining walls are used in the construction of the basement below ground level, wing walls of bridge and to retain slopes in hilly terrain roads. The retaining wall can be constructed with masonry as well as reinforced concrete. In the case of masonry retaining wall, the thickness of the wall increases with height because masonry resists the lateral pressure by its weight. Thus it is also called gravity retaining wall. While the reinforced concrete retaining wall resists the lateral pressure by structural action such as bending and results in a thinner section. A retaining wall is a structure that holds or retains the soil behind it. There are many types of materials that can be used to create retaining walls like concrete blocks, poured concrete, treated timbers, rocks, or boulders. Some are easy to use, others have a shorter life span, but all can retain soil.


Design of Single and Double Reinforced Beams

Design of Single and Double Reinforced Beams

Tension steel in one layer or more.Compression steel in one layer. Tensile steel assumed yielding but in analysis problems, this may be untrue Compression steel may yield or not. Strain expressions are derived from strain compatibility of plane sections (use of similar triangles). If compression and tension steel have yielded, OK continue, perform strain checks and compute nominal moment If compression steel has not yielded, express unknown stress block depth and compression steel stress in terms of neutral axis depth c and solve the resulting quadratic equation. Perform strain checks and compute the nominal moment.


Concrete Tunnel Design Excel Sheet

Concrete Tunnel Design Excel Sheet

Concrete Tunnel Design When a tunnel is excavated in all but the most competent of ground conditions it is an inevitable consequence that some form of support will be required if the tunnel is to retain adequate stability and/or maintain sufficient dimensions to facilitate its use in an intended manner.
The form and function of the support will vary according to a wide range of factors apart from just geotechnical considerations and it would seem that for every different tunnel there is a different lining solution. Tunnels in the civil engineering category are generally driven at relatively shallow depths by comparison to those situations involving mining tunnels.
Civil engineering tunnels require higher tolerances in terms of the final tunnel profile and its ensuing stability.

 Download Concrete Tunnel Design Free Excel Sheet