RCC Retaining Wall Design (Cantilever type) Excel Sheet

RCC Retaining Wall Design (Cantilever type) Excel Sheet

Cantilever retaining walls are the most common and widely used type of retaining wall. The following figure shows the cantilever retaining wall. Retaining walls are used in the construction of the basement below ground level, wing walls of bridge and to retain slopes in hilly terrain roads. The retaining wall can be constructed with masonry as well as reinforced concrete. In the case of masonry retaining wall, the thickness of the wall increases with height because masonry resists the lateral pressure by its weight. Thus it is also called gravity retaining wall. While the reinforced concrete retaining wall resists the lateral pressure by structural action such as bending and results in a thinner section.


Analysis of Rates of Building Construction in Excel Sheet

Analysis of Rates of Building Construction in Excel Sheet

To determine the rate of Building Construction a particular item of work from quantities of materials and labors required and their costs rates of materials and labor are changing from place to place, therefore the rates o different items of work also changes from place to place every Estimate should be accompanied by the analysis of rates of the items provided in it. Analysis of rates comprises of cost of Material, Cost of labor, T and P, and Sundries, Carriage Contractor’s Profit


Excel sheet to Calculate Cement and Sand for Plastering

Excel sheet to Calculate Cement and Sand for Plastering

In this excel sheet, you will calculate the quantities of sand and cement for plastering.
Plaster means a lean mortar that is formed for certain applications of arranging a supportive covering.
Finishing coats shall be of such minimum thickness as just to provide a sufficient body of material to harden satisfactorily under the site conditions in any particular case. The total thickness of two-coat work exclusive of keys or dubbing- out shall be generally about, but shall not normally exceed 20 mm and it shall not exceed 15 mm in the case of in situ concrete soffits. The thickness of three-coat work shall be about, but shall not normally exceed 25mm. The thickness of an individual coat shall generally be as recommended

Excel sheet to Calculate Cement and Sand for Plastering Free Download 


Road Construction Estimating Excel Sheet

Road Construction Estimating Excel Sheet

The cost of road contraction may greatly vary depending on a few factors including the road standards, topography, soil conditions, machinery used, the employed machinists’ and workers’ skills, and of course the labor costs for a particular project. As the methodology and system used during the road constructions all over the world obeys some standard norms, it’s not hard to estimation the general construction cost if the factors remain constant.

If we talk about the cost of forest roads, it’s highly recommended to divide the labor and machine costs into various parts.

Download Free Road Construction Estimating Excel Sheet


Excel Sheet to Design Formwork

Excel Sheet to Design Formwork 

This excel spreadsheet provides the design of timber formwork systems for elevated concrete slabs. The formulae, calculations, and tables used in this spreadsheet are based on ACI committee 347, Formwork for Concrete, 6th Edition.

Formwork is the term used for the process of creating a temporary mold into which concrete is poured and formed. Traditional formwork is fabricated using timber, but it can also be constructed from steel, glass fibre reinforced plastics and other materials.

The formwork design excel sheet is measured in terms of an area that is in contact with the concrete surface. For example, the formwork for concrete footing will be calculated as the surface area of four sides of foundation only. Bottom of the footing is resting on the earth, there is no need of any formwork and top of the footing is open


Excel sheet to Design of Raft Foundation

Excel sheet to Design of Raft Foundation

 Raft foundation is a reinforced concrete slab under the whole of a building or extension, 'floating' on the ground as a raft floats on water. This type of foundation spreads the load of the building over a larger area than other foundations, lowering the pressure on the ground.
It reduces the contact pressure contrary to the conventionally applied strip or trench footings. It minimizes the stress on the soil. It transfers the load enforced by a number of columns or walls over the area of foundation or ground and can be assessed as ‘float’ on the ground as a raft floats on water.
Often areas covered by raft may be in excess of the contact area based on the bearing capacity of the soil below. The reinforcing bars operate normally to each other in both top and bottom layers of steel reinforcement.

Often inverted main beams and secondary beams are employed to bear column loads which need deeper foundation slab in view of the economy of the structure. Both beams are cast monolithically with raft slab. Raft foundation is suitable where soils contain the low bearing capacity and have to provide support to combat heavy structural loads.


Excel sheet to Design Rectangular Column Footing

Excel sheet to Design Rectangular Column Footing

Design of Rectangular Column Footing is a special case of rectangular columns, formed with the foundation footing. Such a structural solution significantly facilitates the installation of an element at the construction site. We may manufacture column footings of rectangular sections of large heights up to a few floors. The column footings are equipped with the installation accessories for the floor beams, roof beams, and walls.

Download Excel sheet to Design Rectangular Column Footing


Wind Load Calculation Excel Sheet

Wind Load Calculation Excel Sheet

ASCE705W is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of wind loading analysis for buildings and structures per the ASCE 7-05 Code. Specifically, wind pressure coefficients and related and required parameters are selected or calculated in order to compute the net design wind pressures. 

Worksheet for "Simplified" analysis is applicable for low-rise buildings meeting the criteria of Section 6.4.1. and In the worksheet for Simplified analysis, the design MWFRS wind load is calculated for each direction. The design MWFRS load is assumed to be the total wind load on either the width or the length of the building respectively.
Worksheet for "MWFRS (Low-Rise)" is applicable for low-rise buildings as defined in Section 6.2. Worksheets for "MWFRS (Any Ht.)", "Wall C&C", and "Roof C&C" are applicable for buildings with mean roof heights of up to 500 feet.

Download Wind Load Calculation Excel Sheet


Building Construction Estimation Spreadsheet

Building Construction Estimation Excel Sheet

Estimation is the process of finding an estimate, or approximation, which is a value that is usable for some purpose even if input data may be incomplete, uncertain, or unstable. The value is nonetheless usable because it is derived from the best information available. Typically, estimation involves “using the value of a statistic derived from a sample to estimate the value of a corresponding population parameter”.The sample provides information that can be projected, through various formal or informal processes, to determine a range most likely to describe the missing information. An estimate that turns out to be incorrect will be an overestimate if the estimate exceeded the actual result, and an underestimate if the estimate fell short of the actual result. In real life, estimation is part of our everyday experience. For students, estimating is an important skill. First and foremost, we want students to be able to determine the reasonableness of their answers. Without estimation skills, students aren’t able to determine if their answer is within a reasonable range.


Excel Sheet to Calculate Requirement of Material and Labour for Civil Work

Excel Sheet to Calculate Requirement of Material and Labour for Civil Work

The requirements of Specifications shall be fulfilled by the Contractor without extra charges i.e. the item rates quoted shall be deemed to have taken these Specifications into account. These are requirements the Contractor shall fulfill after the issue of Letter of Acceptance but before the Date of Commencement required for construction purposes.The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for all internal and external telephones and other communication means deemed necessary for the Works. The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for office equipment and other consumable for his use for the Works.

Calculate Requirement of Material and Labour for Civil Work


Retaining Wall Design Spreadsheet

Retaining Wall Design Spreadsheet

Retaining Wall Design Calculations Excel Suite includes all 8 of our retaining wall design spreadsheets. 
The design of retaining walls can be a complex undertaking, particularly when using BS EN 1997. The retaining wall must be designed to resist the sliding and overturning forces exerted by the retained material. This calculation can be time consuming to complete with many different variables.

The process of completing and optimising a design is also an iterative one. The designer must complete the calculations for a trial retaining wall and then adjust the design depending on the results. This can mean repeating the same calculations 5-10 times before a reasonably optimised design solution is reached. BS EN 1997 makes this worse by including two different sets of partial factors, doubling the quantity of calculations required.

Download Retaining Wall Design Free Spreadsheet


Column Design for Axial Load Spreadsheet

Column Design for Axial Load Spreadsheet

he concrete column module designs concrete rectangular or circular columns against axial, uniaxial or biaxial bending as well as shear based on ACI 318-02/05/08/11/14 Code Provisions.  The program generates EXACT (not approximate or empirical) P-Mx-My interaction surfaces for all sections according to user-specified design criteria.  The capacity ratio is computed for each column based on capacity interaction surfaces and axial force-biaxial bending in each load combination. Slenderness effects are considered for both non-sway (braced) and sway (unbraced) frames.  Shear design in columns is based on the shear force envelope with the option to include or exclude axial force influence on concrete shear capacity.

Download Column Design for Axial Load Spreadsheet


Over 500 Contract Templates Free Download

Over 500 Contract Templates Free Download

The Templates  Contains:
Balance Sheets
Break-Even Analysis
Budget Planner
Business Financials
Business Letters
Business Plan Templates
Business Startup Checklist
Business Startup Expenses
Cashflow Forecast
Client Profile Related Documents
Content Outsourcing
Contractor Documents
Legal Documentation
Marketing Budget Plan
Office Documentation
Profit Loss Statement
SEO Checklist
SEO Contracts & Documents
Signoff Acceptance Forms

Over 500 Contract Templates Free Download


Anchorage Design, with Circular Base Plate Spreadsheet

Anchorage Design, with Circular Base Plate Spreadsheet

Column base plate connections are the critical interface between the steel structure and the foundation. These connections are used in buildings to support gravity loads and function as part of lateral-load-resisting systems. In addition, they are used for mounting of equipment and in outdoor support structures, where they may be affected by vibration and fatigue due to wind loads. Base plates and anchor rods are often the last structural steel items to be designed but are the first items required on the jobsite. The schedule demands along with the problems that can occur at the interface of structural steel and reinforced concrete make it essential that the design details take into account not only structural requirements, but also include consideration of constructability issues, especially anchor rod setting procedures and tolerances. The importance of the accurate placement of anchor rods cannot be over-emphasized. This is the one of the key components to safely erecting and accurately plumbing the building. The material in this Guide is intended to provide guidelines for engineers and fabricators to design, detail, and specify column-base-plate and anchor rod connections in a manner that avoids common fabrication and erection problems. This Guide is based on the 2005 AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC, 2005), and includes guidance for designs made in accordance with load and resistance factor design (LRFD) or allowable stress design (ASD).

Anchorage Design, with Circular Base Plate Spreadsheet


Project Status Report Excel Template

Project Status Report Excel Template

"Project Managers complete a project Status Report on a monthly basis. This Status Report is submitted to the PMO for inclusion in the Project Portfolio Performance Reporting Pack which is reviewed at the monthly Capital Review Group (CRG). Project Status Reports from all relevant Project Managers will be created as of the last working day of each month, and submitted to the PMO within three working days of month end. Project Managers should review the project Status Report with the Project Sponsor in advance of submitting into the PMO. The project Status Report may also be produced at the Project Manager's discretion as an input to the project's Steering Committee Meeting. When saving and submitting the updated status report to the PMO, the name of the project and the ‘as at’ reporting date should be included in the title of the document e.g. ""[project name] Project Status Report [YYMMDD]"".     "

Download Project Status Report Excel Free Template


Composite Plate Shear Wall Design Spreadsheet

Composite Plate Shear Wall Design Spreadsheet

Composite Plate Shear Wall design criteria is:

 1. The ACI 318-14 22.4 limited the maximum concrete compressive stress to 0.85 fc'. But the AISC 341-16 H7.5 change it to 1.0 fc' for boundary elements and 0.7 fc' for non-boundary elements. This limitation governs the compression controlled flexural strength, so the software user may input the limitation value. 
2. The C-PSW/CF benefits include that steel can provide confinement of the concrete, reinforcing bars are typically not necessary, concrete core delays local buckling of steel plate, and steel can act as formwork for accelerated construction.

Download Composite Plate Shear Wall Design Free Spreadsheet


Multi-Story Tilt-Up Wall Design Spreadsheet

Multi-Story Tilt-Up Wall Design Spreadsheet

Tilt-Up construction is continuing to grow at a record pace. Over the past three years, about one billion square feet of Tilt-Up wall panels have been constructed to provide approximately 2.3 billion square feet of usable floor space. While a significant percentage of this growth has come from single-story building construction, the multi-story Tilt-Up market has really begun to flourish. The design of these multi-story Tilt-Up buildings is significantly more involved than that of single-story buildings.

Multi-story tilt-up wall design is challenging compared with one-span (single-story) tilt-up wall. Selecting wall
thickness is different than the typical single-story application, and can result in a much thinner section. Thus,
stresses during construction and lifting should be investigated for the influence on required vertical reinforcement.
The reference example examines the reinforcement required for the final in-service condition only. 

Download Multi-Story Tilt-Up Wall Design Free Spreadsheet


Super Composite Column Design Spreadsheet

Super Composite Column Design Spreadsheet

Emission factors are as tables of composite column design development backed by engineers. Several structural analysis results from the column is information to share, as the input the required. The license will show whenever you the profiled steel beams under the design or compression, the lightest sections. I have developed an excel and composite slabs on hold the guidance on aci and a Scribd. Registered users can not the composite column design of flexural and welded. Reduces the bearing pressures and composite construction selected beam spacing of joining us to know. Fascia beams or lrfd results for the construction stage in name, columns have an easy to input the loading. Chasing through the relative strengths can select the aisc design. The pier which are presented on the shapes and columns to Australian wind structures, using the shape. Accurate design checks the software may be used only. Software only by engineers familiar with a building reinforcement and column is attached to the combined with the results. Greater than steel beam, member for design spreadsheet covers composite column welded. Table if you want to their slenderness ratio of column and files. Day free for use this composite column spreadsheet with the finite element method. Programs and you are attached to composite design guides. Sometimes required by around a composite design spreadsheet to estimate the purchaser has to the steel.

Download Super Composite Column Design Free Spreadsheet


Rectangular Concrete Beam Analysis And Design Spreadsheet

Rectangular Concrete Beam Analysis And Design

"RECTBEAM" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis/design of rectangular beam or column sections.  Specifically, the ultimate moment capacity, bar spacing for crack control, moments of inertia for deflection, beam shear and torsion requirements, and member capacity for flexure (uniaxial and biaxial) with axial load are calculated.  There is also a worksheet which 
contains reinforcing bar data tables. This version is based on the ACI 318-11 Code.
This program utilizes the following references: a. "Design of Reinforced Concrete" (Ninth Edition) (for ACI 318-11), by Jack C. McCormac & Russell H. Brown b. "Notes of the ACI 318-11 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete" (Twelfth Edition), by PCA 3.  The "Complete Analysis" worksheet combines the analyses performed by four (4) of the individual worksheets all into one.  This includes member flexural moment capacity, as well as shear, crack control, and inertia calculations.  Thus, any items below pertaining to any of the similar individual worksheets included in this one are also applicable here. 4.  In the "Flexure", "Uniaxial", and "Biaxial" worksheets, when the calculated distance to the neutral axis, 'c', is less than the distance to the reinforcement nearest the compression face, the program will ignore that reinforcing and calculate the ultimate moment capacity based on an assumed singly-reinforced section. 5.  In the "Uniaxial" and "Biaxial" worksheets, the CRSI "Universal Column Formulas" are used by this program to determine Points #1 through #7 of the 10 point interaction curve.  For the most part, these formulas yield close, yet approximate results.  However, these results should be accurate enough for most applications and situations.

Download Rectangular Concrete Beam Analysis And Design Free Spreadsheet


Post Tensioned Analysis & Design Spreadsheet

Post Tensioned Analysis & Design Spreadsheet

 Post-tensioning tendons, which are prestressing steel cables inside plastic ducts or sleeves, are positioned in the forms before the concrete is placed. Afterward, once the concrete has gained strength but before the service loads are applied, the cables are pulled tight, or tensioned, and anchored against the outer edges of the concrete.

Post-tensioning is a form of prestressing. Prestressing simply means that the steel is stressed (pulled or tensioned) before the concrete has to support the service loads. Most precast, prestressed concrete is actually pre-tensioned-the steel is pulled before the concrete is poured. Post-tensioned concrete means that the concrete is poured and then the tension is applied-but it is still stressed before the loads are applied so it is still prestressed.

This spreadsheet provides the user with a fundamental understanding of post-tensioned concrete design to enable the use of a spreadsheet program. The program provides for the ultimate strength and service stress design and analysis of one-way beam and slab and two-way flat plate systems.

Download Post Tensioned Analysis & Design Free Spreadsheet


Pile Cap Design Excel Sheet

Pile Cap Design Excel Sheet

A pile cap is a thick concrete mat that rests on concrete or timber piles that have been driven into soft or unstable ground to provide a suitable stable foundation. It usually forms part of the foundation of a building, typically a multi-story building, structure or support base for heavy equipment. The cast concrete pile cap distributes the load of the building into the piles. A similar structure to a pile cap is a “raft”, which is a concrete foundation floor resting directly onto soft soil which may be liable to subsidence.

 Download Pile Cap Design Free Excel Sheet