Design of Spiral Stair Excel Sheet

Design of Spiral Stair Excel Sheet

Spiral staircases save valuable square meters because they occupy a much smaller area than a conventional staircase. With daring shapes and diverse configurations, they can also be iconic objects in projects. However, the design of these staircases requires careful attention so that you can prevent an uncomfortable or dangerous outcome. Although BIM software simplifies this process, it's always important to understand the restrictions and the underlying concepts.

Spiral staircases can adopt different structural configurations. The most common ones have a circular format with a central mast from which the steps are fixed.

In this excel sheet, we will provide very simple steps and making a workshop and detailing


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September 7, 2020 at 2:36 PM delete

hello, I really appreciate the work you are doing especially with structural design insights.
however, I have a request. Could you please give me the reference to the spreadsheet you made on "design of spiral staircase"
my email
[email protected]

January 14, 2022 at 3:02 AM delete

Thank you very much for sharing.
