Beam Column Design Spreadsheet to ACI-318 and ACI-350

Beam Column Design Spreadsheet to ACI-318 and ACI-350

Beam column design spreadsheet evaluates concrete members carrying both flexure and axial load using thrust-moment, or P-M, interaction diagrams generated per ACI 318 and ACI 350. Standard axial/flexural provisions, Ch 10, are considered.  ACI 350 durability factor is used to factor down the flexural and axial capacities instead of factoring up the factored loads. The end result is an "inner curve" that governs for ACI 350 capacity in the tension-controlled and transition zones.

- Only one layer of steel each for top face reinforcing and bottom face reinforcing
- Ties are provided for confinement (not spirals)

-XLC formulae and peer review provide verification of intended functionality.
-Cross-check against software solution (SP Column)

-ACI 318-11
-ACI 350-06


Excel Construction Management Templates

Excel Construction Management Templates

Excel Construction Management Templates are very important for managers as it's
very difficulit to manage construction projects. they Require alot of 
stakeholders, details and documentation. So we provide more
 than 15 free excel construction management templates to download and use them
the templates involve : 

  • Construction Timeline
  • Construction Budget
  • Construction Estimator
  • Bid Tabulation Template
  • Abstract of Bids Template
  • Subcontractor Documentation Tracker
  • Construction Documentation Tracker
  • Daily/Weekly Inspection Report
  • Contractor Progress Payment Template
  • Change Order Request Summary
  • Change Order Log
  • Request for Information Log
  • Residential Remodel Project Timeline
  • Certified Wage & Hour Payroll Form
  • Time & Materials Invoice
  • Project Punchlist
  • Project Closeout Checklist
  • Construction Management with Smartsheet


Ribbed Slab Design Spreadsheets to Eurocode

Ribbed Slab Design Spreadsheets to Eurocode

• Ribbed slabs are widely used in many countries. This is attributed to the rapid shattering, ease of construction, and the reduction in the time of erection. This type of slabs or flooring system consists of series of small closed spaced reinforced concrete T-beams. These floors are suitable for building with light live loads.
The advantages of ribbed slab :

  • Quick and simple to install
  • Minimizes the need for skilled labor
  •  Supplied on short lead times
  •  Tailored to any type of site requirements
  •  Saves aggregate, concrete and steel
  •  Speeds construction
  •  Lowering building costs
  •  Reducing the cycle time of building
  •  Maximum control of concrete curing
  • Providing a higher quality floor surface;
  • Achieving longer spans in pile/beam structural
  • slabs and pile numbers may be optimized to limit additional costs
  •  Monolithic poured concrete foundation slabs
  •  Solution for Structural Weight Limits
  • Contributing to GREEN or LEED certified building

In one-way ribbed slab, loads are transferred in one direction, and the main reinforcement is distributed in the same direction of the load. With accurate to temperature and shrinkage,

 minimum of Φ33 bars diameter will be used in both direction and 
crossing each other over the blocks ( practically).I


Two Way Slab Design Spreadsheets to Eurocode 2

Two Way Slab Design Spreadsheets to Eurocode 2 

Two-way spanning slabs For rectangular slabs with standard edge conditions and subject to uniformly distributed loads, normally the bending moments are obtained using tabulated coefficients. Such
coefficients are provided later in this section.
 Main reinforcement for two way slabs designs in both directions.
This situation happen when slab were supported at all four span sides and
ratio long per short span less or equivalent to two. Bending moment and shear
force for two way slab depends on ratio ly / lx and extension between his slab
and supporter whether easily supported or constrained.Two way simply supported slab
 have a panel and easily
supported in edge and panel can lift upward when moment acting on
it, slab is supported by beam steel or extension between slab and non

monolithic beam. Moment only exist in center part of span.

Two way slab constrained have more than one panel or in
section slab edge can be prevent from lifted. This situation happen
when slab connected by monolithic with the supporter or slab panel
connected by monolithic between one and another and moment acting
at slab edge. This type of slab has four moment value at one slab
panel namely two moment amid span and two moment at direction x and y.


Shear Strengthening of T-beam with FRP

Shear Strengthening of T-beam with FRP

The rehabilitation of existing reinforced concrete (RC) bridges and building becomes necessary due to ageing, corrosion of steel reinforcement, defects in construction/design, demand in the increased service loads, and damage in case of seismic events and improvement in the design guidelines. Fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP) have emerged as promising material for rehabilitation of existing reinforced concrete structures. The rehabilitation of structures can be in the form of strengthening, repairing or retrofitting for seismic deficiencies. RC T-section is the most common shape of beams and girders in buildings and bridges. Shear failure of RC T-beams is identified as the most disastrous failure mode as it does not give any advance warning before failure. The shear strengthening of RC T-beams using externally bonded (EB) FRP composites has become a popular structural strengthening technique, due to the well-known advantages of FRP composites such as their high strength-to-weight ratio and excellent corrosion resistance.

A few studies on shear strengthening of RC T-beams using externally bonded FRP sheets have been carried out but still the shear performance of FRP strengthened beams has not been fully understood. The present study therefore explores the prospect of strengthening structurally deficient T-beams by using an externally bonded fiber reinforced polymer (FRP).
This study assimilates the experimental works of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) retrofitted RC T-beams under symmetrical four-point static loading system. The thirteen number of beams were of the following configurations, (i) one number of beam was considered as the control beam, (ii) seven number of the beams were strengthened with different configurations and orientations of GFRP sheets, (iii) three number of the beams strengthened by GFRP with steel bolt-plate, and (iv) two number of beams with web openings strengthened by U-wrap in the shear zone of the beams.
The first beam, designated as control beam failed in shear. The failures of strengthened beams are initiated with the debonding failure of FRP sheets followed by brittle shear failure. However, the shear capacity of these beams has increased as compared to the control beam which can be further improved if the debonding failure is prevented. An innovative method of anchorage technique has been used to prevent these premature failures, which as a result ensure full utilization of the strength of FRP. A theoretical study has also been carried out to support few of the experimental findings.