Reinforcing Bar Development and Splice Length Spreadsheet

Reinforcing Bar Development and Splice Length Spreadsheet

Reinforcing Bar Development and Splice Length Spreadsheet is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of determining reinforcing bar development and splice lengths. Specifically, the development lengths and splice lengths for straight bars in tension as well as compression are determined. Also, the development length for standard hook bars is determined. The provisions for development and splice lengths are included for high seismic risk applications per ACI 318M-05, Chapter 21. There is also a worksheet which contains reinforcing bar data tables. This METRIC version is based on the ACI 318M-05 Code.


Prestressed Concrete Circular Hollow Pole/Pile Design Based on ACI 318-14 & AASHTO 17th

Prestressed Concrete Circular Hollow Pole/Pile Design Based on ACI 318-14 & AASHTO 17th

prestressed concrete circular hollow poles offer several advantages,Compared with normally reinforced concrete poles, Prestressed
poles are lighter and stronger, and they require
less reinforcing steel. The concrete is generally in compression,
so cracking is unlikely except from rough handling,
and the concrete that is used is usually of higher
strength so it can withstand the prestressing operation.
Due to the special manufacturing process, in which the
poles are spun at high speeds, they have a smoother surface
that is denser and less permeable. This lower permeability
in combination with the absence of cracks
prevents corrosion of reinforcement or prestressing


Wind Loads Calculations Spreadsheet According to ASCE

Wind Loads Calculations Spreadsheet According to ASCE 

A mean wind force acts on a building. This mean wind force is derived from the mean wind speed
and the fluctuating wind force produced by the fluctuating flow field. The effect of the fluctuating
wind force on the building or part thereof depends not only on the characteristics of the fluctuating
wind force but also on the size and vibration characteristics of the building or part thereof. Therefore,
in order to estimate the design wind load, it is necessary to evaluate the characteristics of fluctuating
wind forces and the dynamic characteristics of the building.
The following factors are generally considered in determining the fluctuating wind force.
1) wind turbulence (temporal and spatial fluctuation of wind)
2) vortex generation in wake of building
3) interaction between building vibration and surrounding air flow


Design of Cantilever Beam Spreadsheet

Design of Cantilever Beam Spreadsheet

This spreadsheet gives an overview of micro cantilever beam of various shapes and materials for vapour detection. The design of micro cantilever beam, analysis and simulation is done for each shape. The simulation is done using COMSOL Multiphysics software using structural mechanics and chemical module. The simulation results of applied force and resulting Eigen frequencies will be analyzed for different beam structures. The vapour analysis is done using flow cell that consists of chemical pillars in surface reactions and deposition process which consists of active layer for adsorbing the reacting species in the laminar flow through the flow cell.


Abutment and Retaining Wall Design Spreadsheet

Abutment and Retaining Wall Design Spreadsheet

Abutment and Retaining Wall Design Spreadsheet provides the analysis and design of abutment and retaining wall and get the design forces of them. you can calculate also the forces of the piles  below the abutment. the spreadsheet is very  simple and important.


Load Analysis of Building Spreadsheet

Load Analysis of Building Spreadsheet

The sheet provides load analysis of building 


Concrete Box Culvert Design Spreadsheet Based on AASHTO 17th & ACI 318-14

Concrete Box Culvert Design Spreadsheet Based on AASHTO 17th & ACI 318-14

concrete box culverts are available with spans varying from 6 to 16 feet and rises varying from 4 to 14 feet. Standard precast concrete box culverts are typically fabricated in 6 foot sections; however larger boxes are fabricated in 4 foot sections to reduce section weight. The designs utilize concrete strengths between 5 and 6 ksi and are suitable for fill heights ranging from less than 2 feet to a maximum of 25 feet. Box culverts outside of the standard size ranges must be custom designed.Each culvert size has three or four classes. Each class has specified wall and slab thicknesses, reinforcement areas, concrete strength, and fill.


Circular Column Analysis and Design

Circular Column Analysis and Design 

Circular Column is an Excel Spreadsheet template for the design of Circular columns using BS8110. Because of its shape, all columns are considered as subjected to uniaxial bending. When it is required to consider a column with bi-axial bending, the two eccentricities can be combined to make it a column having one eccentricity moment. RoundCol can hold design information for up to 200 columns. Using a pull down combo box, the design information for any column can be retrieved, amended and re-saved for design use as and when necessary. Each Column in RoundCol can have up to 6 Loading Cases. Although the design results are displayed for one load case at a time, Circular Column checks the design for all 6 loading cases in one step. If a column fails the design checks for any of its load cases, the Fail-Code is shown indicating the failure. Detailed results for any load case can be displayed by the click of its radio button and also printed as and when required.


Reinforced Concrete Analysis and Design for Torsion Spreadsheet

Reinforced Concrete Analysis and Design for Torsion

Many structural components in bridges and buildings are subjected to significant torsional moments that are critical in design. Box girder bridges, beams in eccentrically loaded frames of multi-deck bridges, edge members in shells, and spandrel beams in buildings are typical examples of such elements. If external loads act far away from the vertical plane of bending, the beam is subjected to
twisting about its longitudinal axis, known as torsion, in addition to the shearing force and
bending moment.
Torsion on structural elements may be classified into two types; statically determinate, and
statically indeterminate.Since shear and moment usually develop simultaneously with torsion, a reasonable design
should logically account for the interaction of these forces. However, variable cracking, the
inelastic behavior of concrete, and the intricate state of stress created by the interaction of
shear, moment, and torsion make an exact analysis unfeasible.


Excel Sheet For Sieve Analysis Of Aggregate And To Calculate Fineness Modulus

Excel Sheet For Sieve Analysis Of Aggregate And To Calculate Fineness Modulus

The sieve analysis, commonly known as the gradation test, is a basic essential test for all
aggregate technicians. The sieve analysis determines the gradation (the distribution of aggregate
particles, by size, within a given sample) in order to determine compliance with design,
production control requirements, and verification specifications. The gradation data may be used
to calculate relationships between various aggregate or aggregate blends, to check compliance
with such blends, and to predict trends during production by plotting gradation curves
graphically, to name just a few uses. Used in conjunction with other tests, the sieve analysis is a
very good quality control and quality acceptance tool.


Seismic Loads for Liquid Containing Rectangular RC Tank According ACI

Seismic Loads for Liquid Containing Rectangular RC Tank According ACI

This sheet provides Seismic Loads for Liquid Containing Rectangular RC Tank According ACI.
 Liquid storage tanks generally possess lower energy-dissipating capacity
than conventional buildings. During lateral seismic excitation, tanks are
subjected to hydrodynamic forces. These two aspects are recognized by most
seismic codes on liquid storage tanks and, accordingly, provisions specify
higher seismic forces than buildings and require modeling of hydrodynamic
forces in analysis. In this paper, provisions of ten seismic codes on tanks are
reviewed and compared. This review has revealed that there are significant
differences among these codes on design seismic forces for various types of
tanks. Reasons for these differences are critically examined and the need for a
unified approach for seismic design of tanks is highlighted.


Stair Flight and Landing Design Spreadsheet

Stair Flight and Landing Design Spreadsheet

Stair Flight and Landing Design Spreadsheet with easy and simple method 
STAIRCASE is the structural members which provide vertical movement (circulation) between floors of the building at different vertical levels.
The stairs of RC buildings may be designed by using various materials (wood, steel, RC, etc.).
The idealization of support conditions of the stairs may not be straightforward as in other parts of the building.Therefore, a careful assumption should be made. Different assumptions may lead to different design solutions for the same staircase.
Basic Definitions: flight of step,landing, step width, step height,stair width.


Eccentric Footing Design Spreadsheet Based on ACI 318-14

Eccentric Footing Design Spreadsheet Based on ACI 318-14

Eccentric footing consists of two isolated footings connected with a structural strap or a lever. The strap connects the footing such that they behave as one unit. The strap simply acts as a connecting beam. An eccentric footing is more economical than a combined footing when the allowable soil pressure is relatively high and distance between the columns is large. A spread or wall footing that also must resist a moment in addition to the axial column load. Normally, the footing are so designed and proportioned thatthe C.G. of the superimposed load coincides with the C.G. of the base area, so that the footing is subjected to concentric loading, resulting in uniform bearing pressure. However, in some cases, it may not be possible to do so, for example, if the wall (or column) under construction is near some other property, it will not be possible to spread the footing to both the sides of the wall or column.


Prestressed Concrete Girder Design for Bridge Structure spreadsheet

Prestressed Concrete Girder Design for Bridge Structure spreadsheet

post tensioned simply supported prestressed concrete (PC) I-girder bridges are
widely used bridge system for short to medium span (20m to 50m) highway bridges due to its moderate self
weight, structural efficiency, ease of fabrication, low maintenance etc. In order to compete with steel bridge
systems, the design of PC I-girder Bridge system must lead to the most economical use of materials. In this
paper, cost optimization approach of a post-tensioned PC I-girder bridge system is presented. The objective is
to minimize the total cost in the design process of the bridge system considering the cost of materials, fabrication
and installation. For a particular girder span and bridge width, the design variables considered for the
cost minimization of the bridge system, are girder spacing, various cross sectional dimensions of the girder,
number of strands per tendon, number of tendons, tendons configuration, slab thickness and ordinary reinforcement
for deck slab and girder.


Construction Schedule Excel Sheet Template

Construction Schedule Excel Sheet Template

Projects in construction field always have a lot of shapes and different targets which have a specific order must be respected. Critical targets must be accomplished on its time or it will cause a delay to all targets depends on them. If you use this construction project template you will able to track all of the project targets and its progress. With this template you can list different tasks on your project and track the start and end time for activities.


Core Wall Design Spreadsheet

Core Wall Design Spreadsheet

Core wall is The central of arterial part of a multistory building that integrates functions and service needs for established occupants. Such areas are normally composed of toilet facilities, elevator banks, janitors’ closet, utilities, mechanical facilities, smoke shafts and stair. Core also known as facade envelope is a spatial element for load-bearing high-rise building system.
This spreadsheet provides the analysis and design of core wall


Excel Sheet to calculate Concrete Quantities

Excel Sheet to calculate Concrete Quantities

This excel sheet will make you able to calculate quantities for different concrete and steel structure members
with this excel sheet you will calculate quantities for sand, cement and steel for beams, footings columns, beamed slabs, flat slab, and all other structural members.

The sheet also provide tables to calculate quantities for steel structure




Design and detailing of retaining walls lecture will make student after this class be able to do the
complete design and detailing of different types of
retaining walls.
Retaining walls are usually built to hold back soil mass. However, retaining
walls can also be constructed for aesthetic landscaping purposes.
Classification of Retaining walls :
• Gravity wall-Masonry or Plain concrete
• Cantilever retaining wall-RCC
(Inverted T and L)
• Counterfort retaining wall-RCC

• Buttress wall-RCC

Behaviour or structural action and design of stem, heel and toe slabs are same as that

Design of Heel and Toe :
1. Heel slab and toe slab should also be designed as cantilever. For this
stability analysis should be performed as explained and determine
the maximum bending moments at the junction.
2. Determine the reinforcement.
3. Also check for shear at the junction.
4. Provide enough development length.
5. Provide the distribution steelof any cantilever slab.
Design of Stem :
The stem acts as a continuous slab
• Soil pressure acts as the load on the slab.
• Earth pressure varies linearly over the height
• The slab deflects away from the earth face
between the counterforts
• The bending moment in the stem is
maximum at the base and reduces towards
• But the thickness of the wall is kept constant

and only the area of steel is reduced.


Slab Punching Design Excel Sheet According ACI318-08

Slab Punching Design Excel Sheet According ACI 318-08

Flat slabs that are supported directly on columns, without beams between the columns, generally transfer a significant concentrated load that affects a relatively small area. The critical element of this system is the slab to column connection because of the concentration of shear stress that is generated in the connection zone, and due to the slab punching risk. The term punching shear denotes slab failure in the zone where the concentrated load is applied, or in the support zone (column) due to shear stress.The punching shear strength is an extremely significant parameter for the design of flat slabs, i.e. the slabs supported directly on columns, without beams between columns. Slab punching design models are presented according to ACI Code


Excel Sheet to Design Deep Beam

Excel Sheet to Design Deep Beam

This Excel Sheet provide the Design of Deep Beam.
Reinforced  concrete  deep  beams  have  many  useful  applications,
particularly  in  tall  buildings,  foundations  and  offshore  structures.
However,  their  design  is  not  covered  adequately  by  national  codes  of
practice: for example the current British Code BS 8110, explicitly states
that  ‘for  design  of  deep  beams,  reference  should  be  made  to  specialist
literature’. The major codes and manuals that contain some discussion of
deep beams include the American ACI Building Code, the draft Eurocode
EC/2,  the  Canadian  Code,  the  CIRIA  Guide  No.  2,  and  Reynolds  and
Steedman's  Reinforced Concrete Designer's Handbook.


Excel Sheet to Design Flat Slab According to Eurocode

Excel Sheet to Design Flat Slab According to Eurocode

Excel Sheet to Design Flat Slab 
 Common practice of design and construction is to support the slabs by beams and support the beams by columns. This may be called as beam-slab construction. The beams reduce the available net clear ceiling height. Hence in warehouses, offices and public halls some times beams are avoided and slabs are directly supported by columns. This types of construction is aesthetically appealing also. These slabs which are directly supported by columns are called Flat Slabs.
This excel sheet pro


Excel Sheet to Design Light Gage Truss Based on AISI 2001 & ER-4943P

Excel Sheet to Design Light Gage Truss Based on AISI 2001 & ER-4943P

Light gage steel trusses have
been used for 20 or more
years. Truss configurations are similar
to those built of conventional steel
(but with lighter loading) and those
built of wood (with comparable loading).
Light gage steel trusses generally
are used for roof construction,
and as such fit the same niche as light
wood trusses: single family dwellings,
apartment complexes, retirement villages,
small offices, schools and
churches. The trend toward fire resistant
construction in many types of
buildings is currently giving steel an
advantage over wood. The truss usually
is spaced at 16" or 24".
Tkis excel sheet provide the design of Light Gage Truss Based on AISI 2001 & ER-4943P


Excel Sheet to Design Basement Wall

Excel Sheet to Design Basement Wall 

This Excel sheet to design Concrete Basement Wall details strength design (durability and other considerations not included) for a new buried concrete basement wall in a single-story masonry building. The example follows the provisions of ACI 318-11, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete. Throughout the example, discussion of the “in practice” decisions/situations the designer may encounter are included. Additionally, at the conclusion of the problem some “what-ifs” are evaluated. ACI Committee E702, “Designing Concrete Structures Committee,” is part of the ACI Educational Committee structure. Their mission is to develop educational programs and instructional materials within the area of design. The committee has developed various design examples to illustrate the use of various ACI documents. These examples provide step-by-step calculations with references to applicable code provisions for common member design problems, and may also include calculations for common concrete testing procedures, field data analysis, or evaluations.


Design of C Purlins Excel Sheet

Design of C Purlins Excel Sheet 

Design of purlin sizes are based on an analysis of bending members as a simple beam. 
The length of the purlin from truss to truss is taken as the span length needed for the single span, simply supported beam formula. 
This is a conservative approach as it provides for a large moment than that obtained by true engineering analysis
This excel sheet provides the design of c purlin.




RCC Design Excel Sheet provides Beam Design,  Column Design, Slab Design, Grid Floor Analysis & Design, Staircase Design, Combined Footing, Isolated Footing, Dome Design, 3 Hinged Arch Design, Circular Beam, Slender Column, Bi-Axial Column, Deflection Calculation, DESIGN OF RETAINING WALL DESIGN OF L Shaped Cantilever RETAINING WALL DESIGN OF Reverse L Shaped Cantilever RETAINING WALL Design Constants for Working Stress Method 
The sheet is very important for every civil engineer


Design of Retaining Wall with Counterfort According to ACI 318 08

Design of Retaining Wall with Counterfort

Retaining walls are usually built to hold back soil mass. However, retaining
walls can also be constructed for aesthetic landscaping purposes.
Classification of Retaining walls
• Gravity wall-Masonry or Plain concrete
• Cantilever retaining wall-RCC
(Inverted T and L)
• Counterfort retaining wall-RCC
• Buttress wall-RCC

this excel sheet introduce Design of Counterfort Retaining wall according to ACI


Bridge Design excel sheet

Bridge Design excel sheet

Bridge design excel sheet contains on the analysis and design of bridge. this excel sheet make analysis and design all parts of bridge such as deck, girder and bearing.bridges generally have more stringent performance requirements compared to steels used in buildings and many other structural applications. Bridge steels have to perform in an outdoor environment with relatively large temperature changes, are subjected to millions of cycles of live loading, and are often exposed to corrosive environments containing chlorides.
the excel sheet also calculate loads on the bridge and check stresses for bridge parts


Excel sheet to Design One Way Solid Slab

Spreadsheet to Design One Way Solid Slab 

The solid slab called One way slab when the aspect ratio for each panel is greater or equal to two: 2.0

The slab is therefore supported by the beams which are supported by columns or by girders. 

Analysis and design of 1-m slab strip is then performed in the main direction and the design results are generalized allover the slab. 
Minimum shrinkage (temperature) steel is provided in the other direction. The slab strip
model is a continuous beam where the supports are beams.
Coefficient method of analysis is used if its conditions are satisfied.
Standard flexural RC design methods are used to determine the required reinforcement.
with this excel sheet you will easily design one way slab with given data of dimension and concrete materials.


Design Curved Beam Spreadsheet

Design Curved Beam Spreadsheet

Curved Beam is

A beam in which the neutral axis in the unloaded condition is curved instead of straight. Or If the beam is originally curved before applying the bending moment.
Curved beams have applications in many machine members such as c – clampers , crane hooks, frames of  presses, chains, links, rings, etc
The main difference between curved beams and straight ones that the Neutral axis does not coincide with the cross section, but is shifted towards the center of curvature of the beam.
this spreadsheet will help you to design easily curved beams