same name published in the Architects’ Journal in 1976
and 1977. My thanks are due therefore to my fellow
contributors to that series, Patricia Tutt, Chris Daltry
and David Crawshaw, for many stimulating discussions
during its production, and to the Architects’ Journal for
allowing me to reproduce material from it. The text of
the first edition, however, was completely rewritten,
and responsibility for the views expressed and
recommendations made therein were mine alone.
The development of CAD since publication of the
third edition has led to a major revision and up-dating
to include details of the application of the latest
CAD techniques to the whole field of production
drawings. This has led to the introduction as
collaborator of Andrew Bichard, the well-known
architect and writer on CAD topics, who is an
acknowledged leader in the field. He has written the
sections on CAD, and in particular all the CAD
drawings have been produced by him.
No one who has delivered drawings to site and overhead
the foreman’s jocular reference to a ‘fresh set of comics
having arrived’ will deny that the quality of architects’
working drawings in general is capable of improvement.
In some measure we have all of us suffered more or less
justifiable accusations of inaccuracy, inadequacy and
incomprehensibility; and yet drawings are prepared and
issued with the best of intentions. Few offices deliberately
skimp the job, despite economic pressures and time
constraints, for the consequences of inadequate or
incorrect information being passed to the builder loom
frighteningly behind every contract.
the foreman’s jocular reference to a ‘fresh set of comics
having arrived’ will deny that the quality of architects’
working drawings in general is capable of improvement.
In some measure we have all of us suffered more or less
justifiable accusations of inaccuracy, inadequacy and
incomprehensibility; and yet drawings are prepared and
issued with the best of intentions. Few offices deliberately
skimp the job, despite economic pressures and time
constraints, for the consequences of inadequate or
incorrect information being passed to the builder loom
frighteningly behind every contract.