Engineering Mechanics Statics

Engineering Mechanics Statics

Engineering mechanics is both a foundation and a framework for most of the branches
of engineering. Many of the topics in such areas as civil, mechanical, aerospace, and agricultural
engineering, and of course engineering mechanics itself, are based upon the subjects
of statics and dynamics. Even in a discipline such as electrical engineering, practitioners, in
the course of considering the electrical components of a robotic device or a manufacturing
process, may find themselves first having to deal with the mechanics involved.
Thus, the engineering mechanics sequence is critical to the engineering curriculum.
Not only is this sequence needed in itself, but courses in engineering mechanics also serve
to solidify the student’s understanding of other important subjects, including applied mathematics,
physics, and graphics. In addition, these courses serve as excellent settings in
which to strengthen problem-solving abilities.

The primary purpose of the study of engineering mechanics is to develop the capacity
to predict the effects of force and motion while carrying out the creative design functions
of engineering. This capacity requires more than a mere knowledge of the physical and
mathematical principles of mechanics; also required is the ability to visualize physical configurations
in terms of real materials, actual constraints, and the practical limitations
which govern the behavior of machines and structures. One of the primary objectives in a
mechanics course is to help the student develop this ability to visualize, which is so vital to
problem formulation. Indeed, the construction of a meaningful mathematical model is
often a more important experience than its solution. Maximum progress is made when the
principles and their limitations are learned together within the context of engineering


Bre building elements foundations, basements and external works

BRE Building Elements Foundations, Basements and External Works

This book is the fifth of the BRE
Building Elements books and
completes the planned series which
was begun in 1996. The first four
books are Roofs and roofing (first
published in 1996), Floors and
flooring (1997), Walls, windows and
doors (1998) and Building services experience of individual surveyors.
Clients need to be advised on when to
call in other consultants to rectify
existing problems. The book is
certainly not addressed to the
geotechnical engineer or the
landscape architect, though it will in
all probability find application in the
education field.

Large civil engineering
structures such as port installations,
bridges and tunnels, underground car
parks and very large non-building
structures such as storage tanks are
excluded from the scope of this book.
Included in external works are all
items outside the building footprint
but inside the site boundary,
encompassing wastewater and surface
water drains, supply of utilities (eg
gas, electricity and cabled services),
footpaths, and access for vehicles
including car parks and hard standings
to be found in the vicinity of


Structural Analysis Fourth Edition

Structural Analysis Fourth Edition

The objective of this book is to develop an understanding of the basic
principles of structural analysis. Emphasizing the intuitive classical approach,
Structural Analysis covers the analysis of statically determinate
and indeterminate beams, trusses, and rigid frames. It also presents an
introduction to the matrix analysis of structures.
The book is divided into three parts. Part One presents a general
introduction to the subject of structural engineering. It includes a chapter
devoted entirely to the topic of loads because attention to this important
topic is generally lacking in many civil engineering curricula.
Part Two, consisting of Chapters 3 through 10, covers the analysis of
statically determinate beams, trusses, and rigid frames.

Structural analysis is the prediction of the performance of a given structure
under prescribed loads and/or other external e¤ects, such as support
movements and temperature changes. The performance characteristics
commonly of interest in the design of structures are (1) stresses or stress
resultants, such as axial forces, shear forces, and bending moments; (2)
deflections; and (3) support reactions. Thus, the analysis of a structure
usually involves determination of these quantities as caused by a given
loading condition. The objective of this text is to present the methods
for the analysis of structures in static equilibrium.




This textbook is written for an undergraduate course in soil mechanics and foundations. It has three primary
objectives. The fi rst is to present basic concepts and fundamental principles of soil mechanics and
foundations in a simple pedagogy using the students’ background in mechanics, physics, and mathematics.
The second is to integrate modern learning principles, teaching techniques, and learning aids to assist
students in understanding the various topics in soil mechanics and foundations. The third is to provide
a solid background knowledge to hopefully launch students in their lifelong learning of geotechnical
engineering issues.

This book is intended to present the principles of soil mechanics and its application to foundation analyses.
It will provide you with an understanding of the properties and behavior of soils, albeit not a perfect
understanding. The design of safe and economical geotechnical structures or systems requires considerable
experience and judgment, which cannot be obtained by reading this or any other textbook. It is
hoped that the fundamental principles and guidance provided in this textbook will be a base for lifelong
learning in the science and art of geotechnical engineering.
The goals of this textbook in a course on soil mechanics and foundation are as follows:


Sustainable Steel Buildings A Practical Guide for Structures and Envelopes

Sustainable Steel Buildings A Practical Guide for Structures and Envelopes

Sustainability has been established for over one decade in building construction.
It has become a high priority and is well established amongst professionals and
authorities involved in design and construction. So why would one need another
book explaining the same again? This is required because detailed information on
the sustainability credentials of steel as a construction material is scattered over a
wide range of publications, reports or company data. Hence, this book focuses
on design and construction of sustainable steel buildings, looking at steel as a
on steel structures, and steel envelopes and illustrates all
this with many practical examples. For this purpose, we have brought together
European experts and professionals from various fields.

ustainable construction, followed by highlights of the legal and normative frame.
A discussion of basic concepts of sustainability assessment, such as life‐cycle
thinking and environmental product information in general and for steel construction
products specifically, is the next focus, followed by the methods and
design tools to deliver sustainable steel buildings and construction in general.
Topics and structural elements that are crucial for sustainable steel buildings are
addressed at. This comprises, for example, topics such as flexibility, benefits of
high strength steel or design for deconstruction, and hot‐dip galvanising and fireprotective


Pile Design and Construction Practice

Pile Design and Construction Practice

Piling rigs are a commonplace feature on building sites in cities and towns today. The
continuing introduction of new, more powerful, and self-erecting machines for installing
piled foundations has transformed the economics of this form of construction in ground
conditions where, in the past, first consideration would have been given to conventional
spread or raft foundations, with piling being adopted only as a last resort in difficult

The increased adoption of piling is not only due to the availability of more efficient
mechanical equipment. Developments in analytical methods of calculating bearing capacity
and dynamic methods for load and integrity testing have resulted in greater assurance of
sound long-term performance. Further economies in foundation and superstructure design
are now possible because of the increased ability to predict movements of piles under load,
thus allowing engineers to adopt with confidence the concept of redistribution of load
between piles with consequent savings in overall pile lengths and cross-sectional dimensions,
as described in this new edition.


Civil Engineering Formulas

Civil Engineering Formulas

The second edition of this handy book presents some 2,500 formulas and calculation
guides for civil engineers to help them in the design office, in the field,
and on a variety of construction jobs, anywhere in the world. These formulas
and guides are also useful to design drafters, structural engineers, bridge engineers,
foundation builders, field engineers, professional-engineer license examination
candidates, concrete specialists, timber-structure builders, and students
in a variety of civil engineering pursuits.

The book presents formulas needed in 13 different specialized branches of
civil engineering—beams and girders, columns, piles and piling, concrete
structures, timber engineering, surveying, soils and earthwork, building structures,
bridges, suspension cables, highways and roads, hydraulics and open
channel flow, stormwater, sewage, sanitary wastewater, and environmental
protection. Some 500 formulas and guides have been added to this second edition
of the book.
Key formulas are presented for each of the major topics listed above.
Each formula is explained so the engineer, drafter, or designer knows how,
where, and when to use the formula in professional work. Formula units are
given in both the United States Customary System (USCS) and System
International (SI). Hence, the content of this book is usable throughout the


Estimating in Building Construction

Estimating in Building Construction

The seventh edition continues to build on the strong
foundation of the previous editions. The need for
estimators to understand the theory behind quantification
is critical and must be fully understood prior to
performing any computerized estimating. This underlying
premise has been one of the guiding principles that began
with Mr. Dagostino and continues with the current author.
This edition uses extensive examples and exercises to demonstrate
methodology and to the organization of the estimate.

Estimating is an art that relies heavily on the judgment of the
person performing the takeoff. A person’s estimating skills
can only be developed with practice; therefore, the reader is
encouraged to work the example problems and apply the
skills taught in this book. Since the estimate is used throughout
the project, the assumptions and methodologies assumed
must be documented and organized so that subsequent users
will have access to this knowledge.


Modal Analysis

Modal Analysis

This book provides a detailed treatment of the theory of analytical and experimental
modal analysis with applications. It is intended for several uses. The materials can be
selectively used for undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The book can be a
reference text for practising engineers whose work involves modal analysis, and for
researchers in other engineering and science disciplines who use modal analysis as a
tool in their research.

Though appearing to be specialized, modal analysis has been used in the last two
to three decades in many engineering disciplines and technology fields to solve
increasingly demanding structural dynamic problems. The path of modal analysis
being incorporated into university teaching is paralleled with that taken by finite
element analysis. Currently, the published literature in modal analysis is sparse without
taking on board conference and journal papers. This is not conducive to users of this


Construction Technology An Illustrated Introduction

Construction Technology An Illustrated Introduction

One of the many reasons for writing this book
was the need to introduce students to a level
of detail which they would gain only with
practical experience on site or in workshops.
The accusation that the text includes too much
‘trade’ material could be levelled, but bearing
in mind that many of the students who might
use this text will be potential builders, quantity
surveyors and building surveyors, then
the inclusion of the trade material is very necessary.
One of the primary functions of certainly
the builders and quantity surveyors is
the need to be able to assess the cost of any
building operation.

Unless they understand
the processes to be gone through it is impossible
for these professionals to give an accurate
cost. They don’t have to be able to physically
do the work but they must know exactly what
is involved. So this text is for the ‘early learner’
whohas no background in the construction industry.
It is not intended to be an all embracing
text; the physical size of the book could
not allow that. So the author has been quite
selective in what has been included, the reasoning
behind the selection being the need to
introduce the early learner to sufficient information
to allow a general appreciation of the
more common techniques used in domestic
construction today.


Ultimate limit-state design of concrete structure

Ultimate Limit-State Design of Concrete Structure

Structural concrete members often show great deviation in structural performance from that predicted by the current code of practice. In certain cases the predications considerably underestimate the capabilities of a structure or member, while in others the predictions are unsafe as they overestimate the member's ability to perform in a prescribed manner. Clearly, a rational and unified design methodology is still lacking for structural concrete. 

The adoption of the limit-state philosophy as the basis of currentcodes of practice for the design of concrete structures expressesthe conviction that this philosophy is capable of leading to saferand more economical design solutions. After all, designing astructural concrete member to its ultimate limit state requires theassessment of the load-carrying capacity of the member and thisprovides a clearer indication of the margin of safety againstcollapse. At the same time, the high internal stresses whichdevelop at the ultimate limit state result in a reduction of both thesize of the member cross-section and the amount of rein-forcement required to sustain internal actions. (Admittedly, thelatter economy and, of course, safety itself are dependent on theactual factor of safety adopted; nevertheless, the more accurateestimate of the true failure load provides an opportunity to reducethe uncertainties reflected in the factor of safety in comparisonwith, say, elastic design calculations. 


Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering

Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering

Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering is essentially divided into four parts.
The first part (Chapters 1-11) deals with planning for transport, and concentrates on
the historical evolution of the transport task; transport administration and planning at the
governmental level in Britain; principles underlying the economic and environmental
assessment of transport improvement proposals, and of transport analysis and forecasting;
contrasting traffic and travel demand-management strategies; a basic approach to the
development of a town centre parking plan; planning for pedestrians, cyclists and disabled
persons; roles and characteristics of the various transport systems in current use; and
introductory approaches to the planning of public transport and freight transport systems.
Planning of any form is of limited value unless based on sound data.

Everybody travels whether it be to work, play, shop or do business. All raw materials
must be conveyed from the land to a place of manufacture or usage, and all goods must
be moved from the factory to the market place and from the staff to the consumer.
Transport is the means by which these activities occur; it is the cement that binds
together communities and their activities. Meeting these needs has been, and continues
to be, the transport task




Concrete structures are subjected to a complex variety of stresses and strains. The four basic
actions are: bending, axial load, shear and torsion. Each action alone, or in combination
with others, may affect structures in different ways under varying conditions. The first two
actions – bending and axial load – are one-dimensional problems, which were studied in the
first six decades of the 20th century, and essentially solved by 1963 when the ultimate strength
design was incorporated into the ACI Building Code. The last two actions – shear and
torsion – are two-dimensional and three-dimensional problems, respectively. These more
complicated problems were studied seriously in the second half of the 20th century, and
continued into the first decade of the 21st century.

The first unified theory published in 1993 was a milestone in the development of mod-
els for reinforced concrete elements. Nevertheless, the ultimate goal must be science-based
prediction of the behavior of whole concrete structures. Progress was impeded because the
fifth component model, the softened truss model, was inadequate for incorporation into the
new finite element analysis for whole structures. An innovation in testing facility in 1995
allowed new experimental research to advance the nonlinear theory for shear and torsion. This
breakthrough was the installation of a ten-channel servo-control system onto the universal
panel tester (UPT) at the University of Houston (UH), which enabled the UPT to perform
strain-controlled tests indispensable in establishing more advanced material models.


Traffic Engineering Design Principles and Practice

Traffic Engineering Design Principles and Practice

Traffic can be defined as the movement of pedestrians and goods along a route, and in the 21st century
the biggest problem and challenge for the traffic engineer is often the imbalance between the
amount of traffic and the capacity of the route, leading to congestion. Traffic congestion is not a
new phenomenon. Roman history records that the streets of Rome were so clogged with traffic,
that at least one emperor was forced to issue a proclamation threatening the death penalty to those
whose chariots and carts blocked the way. More recently pictures of our modern cities taken at the
turn of the century show streets clogged with traffic.

In the introduction to his book Gordon Wells quoted the Institution of Civil Engineers1 for his definition
of traffic engineering, that is:
That part of engineering which deals with traffic planning and design of roads, of
frontage development and of parking facilities and with the control of traffic to
provide safe, convenient and economic movement of vehicles and pedestrians.
This definition remains valid today but there has clearly been a change in the emphasis in the
role of the traffic engineer in the time since this book was first produced. In the 1970s the car was
seen as the future and the focus was very much ‘predict and provide’. Traffic engineers were
tasked with increasing the capacity of the highway system to accommodate what seemed and endless
growth in motor traffic, often at the expense of other road users.


Basic Civil Engineering by B.C. Punmia

Basic Civil Engineering by B.C. Punmia



Basic Civil Engineering is designed to enrich the preliminary conceptual knowledge about civil engineering to the students of non-civil branches of engineering. The coverage includes materials for construction, building construction, basic surveying and other major topics like environmental engineering, geo-technical engineering, transport traffic & urban engineering, irrigation and water supply engineering and CAD.


The Structural Engineer’s Professional Training Manual

The Structural Engineer’s Professional Training Manual

One of the most difficult things about writing this book was coming up with a
title, believe it or not. It needed to be something descriptive, yet succinct; imaginative,
yet practical; and inspiring, yet memorable. The book’s title, simple as it
may be, gives an indication that a variety of topics will be covered; being a manual
for such a broad-based subject as training engineering graduates. The process
of training is a human one, where individual personalities can either hamper or
enhance effort of both mentor and protégé, and each party must be certain of his
or her role in the experience. It is for graduate and experienced professional alike.
It is for licensed engineers from all ranges of society to refresh their knowledge
of business practice, material behavior, and personal improvement in communicating
with others. Most importantly of all, I trust that this book will benefit the
profession of structural engineering, as we all work together to advance a solid
reputation for service to others from all walks of life, all races and creeds, and all
economic backgrounds.

I’m quite certain that each chapter will have its own share of critics who ask,
“Why didn’t you cover this?” or “You didn’t spend enough time on that,” and I
am in agreement with many objections that could be raised. There is so much to
talk about, but a choice had to be made as to what seems to be most important and
what might be easily found in another resource. Within these pages, the reader
will not find detailed instructions for designing a wood-frame shear wall, nor a
reinforced concrete drilled pier, nor even for monitoring the financial health of a
sole proprietorship, as all of these duties are exhaustively presented in other references.
Rather, this book has three main objectives: (1) introduce the reader to subject
matter that is important to know in order to discover the best solutions to real
engineering problems; (2) provide a logical, comprehensive collection of recommendations,
facts, and figures to help a mentor guide protégés along an accelerated


AutoCAD Secrets Every User Should Know

AutoCAD Secrets Every User Should Know

CAD software is used in so many fields of design that it would be impossible to develop
extensive standards that apply to all of them. I’ve trained people who use AutoCAD to
design quilts, hearing aids, doll clothes, houses, barns, commercial buildings, M16s, submarine
hatches, and the myriad components of machinery. But there are some foundational
rules that represent a consensus among serious users of CAD. You’ll find exceptions
to these rules, of course, but think of them the way you think of the rules for dimensioning
drawings: You follow them if possible. The fact that a rule has rare exceptions doesn’t
reduce its value as a guide. You certainly follow the rules requiring you to drive on the
proper side of the road all the time—except when a dog darts out in front of you, or the
road is washed away by a flash flood, or you’re passing someone. So, here are some of my
rules for using AutoCAD.

Much of the material in this book was developed for the Advanced AutoCAD course at
Southern Maine Community College and then used in presentations at Autodesk University
over the past decade. The topics derive from the kinds of questions I’ve been asked
over the years by people who use AutoCAD every day.
This isn’t meant to be a comprehensive book about AutoCAD. I’ve tried to identify
common problem areas and provide some advice on how to approach them. I’m also trying
to preserve some traditional knowledge that is often overlooked by users: knowledge
as simple as making proper centerlines, as arcane as using DOS to improve efficiency, as
exciting as programming, and as dramatic as 3D modeling. Here’s a brief review of what’s
covered in each chapter.


200 Questions and Answers on Practical Civil Engineering Works

200 Questions and Answers on Practical Civil Engineering Works

This book is intended primarily to arouse the interests of graduate engineers, assistant
engineers and engineers in the technical aspect of civil engineering works. The content of
the book mainly focuses on providing the reasons of adoption of the various current
practices of civil engineering. By understanding the underlying principles of engineering
practices, graduate engineers/assistant engineers/engineers may develop an interest in civil
engineering works. It is also intended that the book will serve as a useful source of
reference for practicing engineers.

Some of these questions are selected from the book and published in the column “The Civil
FAQ” in the monthly journal The Hong Kong Engineer under the Hong Kong Institution of
Engineer. Other than this book, I have written another book called “Civil Engineering
Practical Notes A-Z” which contains similar format and targets to provide quick and
concise answers to frequently asked questions raised by engineers during their day-to-day


Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Structures manufactured from engineering materials such as reinforced and
prestressed concrete, steel and cast iron, although durable, do have a finite
life. Structures with significant problems are those exposed to marine environments,
de-icing salts on highways, aggressive industrial environments
and to a lesser extent those which are exposed to normal weather conditions.
From an economic point of view it is generally more realistic to
repair, if possible, rather than to demolish and rebuild the structures.
The in situ rehabilitation or upgrading of reinforced concrete members
using bonded steel plates has been proven in the field to be an effective,
convenient and economic method of improving structural performance.

The construction industry is currently using polymer materials for the
maintenance of structures and is showing great interest in the utilisation of
FRP materials to maintain structural integrity or to upgrade structural
systems. Advanced composite structural materials may have aligned continuous
fibres and/or aligned angle plies encapsulated in a polymer to form
plates, rods, tubes and structural profiles; the fibres would be either carbon,
aramid or glass. When used as a structural component to repair or
strengthen a system the polymer composite may be either unstressed or
pretensioned at the time of bonding.


Willis’s Elements of Quantity Surveying

Willis’s Elements of Quantity Surveying

This book was first published in 1935, and in the preface to that first
it stated that it was intended ‘to be a book giving everything in
its simplest form and to assist a student to a good grounding in first
Each successive edition has been brought up to date; however,
we have always striven to maintain the original guiding principles, which
are as relevant today as they were 70 years ago.
Whilst the use of the traditional bill of quantities continues to decline
and today is only one of a variety of options open to the industry for the
procurement of construction contracts, nevertheless, the skills of measurement
are still very much required in some form or another under
most procurement routes.

This edition recognises the publication by the Royal Institution of
Chartered Surveyors (RICS) of the second volume of the New Rules of
Measurement – Detailed Measurement for Building Works (NRM2), and
the text has been updated accordingly.
The basic structure of the book generally follows that of previous
setting down the measurement process from first principles
and assuming the reader is coming fresh to the subject.
Whilst it is recognised that modern computerised measurement techniques
utilising standard descriptions might appear far removed from
traditional taking-off, it is only by fully grasping such basic principles
measurement that they can be adapted and applied to alternative
It is for this reason that the examples continue to be written in
traditional form.




This book is designed for use by professionals. The book covers the design of municipal water
and wastewater facilities. I have assumed that the reader has had an introductory environmental
engineering course and a first course in fluid mechanics. That is, I have assumed the
reader is familiar with notation such as mg/L and acronyms such as BOD as well as the concepts
of mass balance, Bernoulli’s equation, and friction loss. Because I could not assume
that the reader has used either Introduction to Environmental Engineering or Principles of
Environmental Engineering and Science, some material from those texts is used to introduce
the subject matter included here.

A Professional Advisory Board has provided their experience and expertise to vet the material
in Water and Wastewater Engineering. The Board is composed of licensed engineers, a licensed
geologist, and licensed treatment plant operators. A short biographical sketch and affiliation of
the Professional Advisory Board members is presented following this preface. They have read
and commented on all of the chapters. In addition, a number of operators have been interviewed
to obtain hints on methods for improving designs.
The book format is one that I used successfully over the 20 years that I taught the material.
The book starts with an overview of the design and construction process including the application
of the code of ethics in the process. The first half of the book addresses water treatment. Because
my course was built around a term design project, the subject matter follows the flow of water
through the unit processes of coagulation, flocculation, softening (including NF and RO), sedimentation,
filtration (including MF and UF), disinfection, and residuals management