JavaScript and AJAX For Dummies

JavaScript and AJAX For Dummies

      If you want to build Web pages that offer real value to your site's visitors, JavaScript and AJAX are top tools for the job. Even if you're new to Web programming, this book helps you create sites any designer will admire. With easy-to-understand steps and an emphasis on free tools, you'll be able to jump right into building a site using the same techniques as the pros.
        • Down to basics — learn your way around JavaScript and choose an editor and test browser
        • Manage complexity — use functions, arrays, and objects to create more sophisticated programs
        • Page magic — discover how to control what happens on your pages, animate objects, and put pages in motion
        • Get beautiful — Use the jQuery User Interface library to add sliders, tabbed interfaces, and custom dialogs to a site
        • Come clean with AJAX — build AJAX requests into your programs, use jQuery, and work with AJAX data

          Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

          Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

              The free book "Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#" ( is a comprehensive computer programming tutorial that teaches programming, logical thinking, data structures and algorithms, problem solving and high quality code with lots of examples in C#. It comes with free video lessons, presentations, exercises and solutions.

                This free book on fundamentals of programming teaches the major programming concepts and way of thinking needed to become a good software engineer and the C# language in the meantime. It is a great start for anyone who wants to become a skillful software engineer. The books does not teach technologies like databases, mobile and web development, but shows the true way to master the basics of programming regardless of the languages, technologies and tools. It is good for beginners and intermediate developers who want to put a solid base for a successful career in the software engineering industry. The book is accompanied by 27 free video lessons on C# programming (42 hours), presentation slides (27 PPTX presentations) and mind maps, as well as hundreds of exercises with solutions and live examples.



                This note gives guidance on the representation of a real structure by an idealised model which can
                then be analysed.
                The Aims of Structural Analysis
                Analysis is an essential part of the structural design process. Analysis gives us the numbers with
                which to justify the adequacy of the structure in terms of strength, stability and stiffness.
                However we do not analyse 'the structure' but a mathematical model whose properties and behaviour
                we aim to select so that it adequately represents the real structure. The approximations and
                assumptions which must be made to create this model mean there can be no such thing as an exact

                There are a number of steps in the production and analysis of a mathematical model of a structure.
                Engineering judgement is needed throughout the process, and the modelling decisions made should
                be reviewed as part of the design review.
                • Decide how much of the structure to model. (section 2.3)
                • Decide how much detail is needed in the model. This will depend on whether the model is
                for scheme design or final analysis . (section 2.3)
                • Define geometry of model
                Define member sizes and shapes (section 5)
                • Decide on appropriate material properties (section 6)
                Define loading to be applied
                • Decide how to apply the load (section 7)
                Analyse the model
                • Review analysis results


                Reinforced Concrete Design Project Five Story Office Building (Hand Calculation)

                Reinforced Concrete Design Project Five Story Office Building (Hand Calculation) 

                This report outlines the structural design of a five-story reinforced concrete office building
                following ACI 318-11. The framing arrangement and column locations of the building were
                provided based on architectural and structural requirements. The structure system of the office
                building is a reinforced concrete frame with a one-way slab and beam floor system. This report
                covers the design process in the following order: the calculation of the expected loads on the
                structure, the design of the slab depth, the estimation of the column sizes, the design of the slab
                reinforcement, the design of the T-beam reinforcement for both flexural and shear, the
                calculation to check crack control, the calculation to check T-beam deflections and finally the
                design of the column reinforcement. Additionally, figures displaying the placement of the steel
                rebar in the structure are contained in the report.

                The details of the design can be found within the report. The basic design of the office building
                includes seven (7) inch slabs throughout, fifteen (15) inch by fifteen (15) inch square columns
                and T-beam depths of eighteen (18) inches for the exterior column spans and twenty (20) inches
                for the interior column spans. Due to deflection control issues that arose in this preliminary
                design, some of the interior beam lines have to be re-designed in further iterations of this design.
                The maximum depth of the interior T-beams would be twenty-two (22 inches). The
                reinforcement is varied throughout the project depending on necessary loads and ACI 318-11.
                The slab reinforcement spacing would also have to be edited in future designs because it did not
                comply with ACI 318 crack control limits.